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The Michigan Water Story You're Not Hearing

Preface: So last year, I was writing an article for Cracked on the various ways being poor disproportionately f*cks you up. Around the same time, I was forced to spend a large portion of my budget on bottled water as a result of a terrifying pamphlet I received from my township municipality informing me about the IQ LOWERING LEAD THAT IS IN MY WATER. Because this affected me personally, I started digging. Turns out, what's happening now in Flint, has much deeper origins that quite frankly should probably be included in the conversation. The following content is what I found out. Let me apologize in advance, it is anything but funny. Enjoy!

You're poor. You don't live in the best area, so you don't have access to the same rich people luxuries such as a Starbucks on every corner, or you know, safe drinking water. You read the risks on a pamphlet your water company so graciously sent you to warn you that the water in your tap contains lead that can lower your IQ, but you can't afford bottled water which costs on average $1,400 a year.. But also contains chemicals.. If you happen to live in Detroit, you may not even have the option of either water or tap. When the people in your building don't pay their water bill, because they are working poor and literally can't, your tap can be shut off.

Image Source: CBS NEWS

September 2014

One Detroit judge even said that clean water is not a right.

Detroit isn't the only city with water problems, and accessibility isn't the only issue. Many American cities including Atlanta, Albuquerque, and San Francisco are still using outdated water systems that are loaded with toxic chemicals.

So alright, you live in a city with garbage water flowing from the tap. Bottled water seems like a viable alternative right? If you're poor, not really. Plus, plenty of bottled water brands contain even more chemicals and the bottles themselves are terrible for the environment. One study found that the average American drank 167 bottles, and recycled only 38! If you're poor, this luxury isn't even an option. If you drink the recommended amount, replacing your tap water with bottles would cost an estimated $1,400 annually.

And did I mention it's not actually safer than tap water? Aquafina is literally filtered tap water.

"Mmm. Expensive chemical water."

Plus, if you live in an area that has lead or fluoride in the tap water, be advised that drinking lead water can actually LOWER your IQ. So now you're poor and growing dumber by the day with every glass. Children are at even a higher risk because their developing bodies absorb chemicals as they grow.

But maybe you'd rather hear it explained to you by Muppets. Thanks for this one John.


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