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The Top 9 Reasons Why I Can't Use Tinder

Source: Youtube (Good video too, check this one out.)

Before you download an app, you should really think of the implications of how said app can and certainly will diminish humanity even further.

It can't possibly get any worse than this, can it?

I am drawing a line in the sand. This may be how everyone dates these days, but from now on, if you'd like to take me out, you'll have to find me. You know I hate how everyone's always on their damn cell phones anyway.

9. It's Loaded With Spam Bots

As if the internet needed more avenues for bots to infiltrate your technology, Tinder does just that. Like all dating sites, fake profiles are to be anticipated, but these are a brand new kind of bot.

Source: BBC

""Spam is becoming a lot more sophisticated, and to be effective it has to be targeted," explained Alan Woodward, an independent security consultant.

"Whittling the process down to writing a unique message for each user would be impractical, so what they try and do is target communities of like-minded people.

"People looking for love is a classic example of such a group. There's already a lot of scams and spam targeting people on dating websites, and this is a natural extension of that."

'Play with me'

Screenshots posted to Twitter indicate that the conversation used by the bots follows the same pattern.

After the Tinder member contacts the fake account the software initially says "hey :)".

It then asks what the user is doing and replies to the response saying: "I'm still recovering from last night :) Relaxing with a game on my phone, castle clash. Have you heard about it?"

Whatever reply the user provides, it prompts the bot to send them a link with an address beginning - which appears to be an attempt to make the URL appear trustworthy.

The bot then ends the conversation by saying, "play with me a bit and you just might get a phone number"."

Source: BBC NEWS

Source: BBC

8. It Makes it Really Easy for People to Stalk You

7. It's Not Even Really Free Anymore

Well, if you're over 30 you will have no choice but to pay up.. but wait.. What if people on the internet lied about their age?

As of right now, 53% of people on dating sites tell lies about their physical appearance. Putting an age limit on pricing requirements will only escalate this.

Source: Sourcefed

“But on a sour note, you might not be too thrilled with the pricing — especially if you're over the age of 30. Those who have been on this Earth for three decades or more will have to pay $19.99 a month for these new features. Everyone else can get Tinder Plus for just $9.99 a month.”

Source: PC Mag

6. It is Too Time Consuming

The average user spends 90 minutes a day on the app. Replace that with a workout routine and.. yeah... you get the point..

"I'll swipe myself against this wall, to the right, to the right, to the right."

Or, you could also nap. A full sleep cycle for many people is 90 minutes. So why not swap the swipe for some shuteye instead?

“The average Tinder user spends between an hour and 90 minutes using the app every day, logging in 11 times.”

5. It is Horribly Racist

So if you're white and don't care at all about racism at all, have fun swipe swiping while perpetuating said racism.

“In a video from The Atlantic embedded above, Christian Rudder, co-founder of the dating site OkCupid, gives us some interesting insights from the platform’s data. He found that black users of the site get 25 percent less replies, messages and level of ratings from users of all other races.”

Source: Adweek

4. Sexual Harassment Towards Women is Rampant and Even The Vice President of the Company is Guilty of it

Source: AMC

"But bitches LOVE casual sexism!"

The lawsuit against Tinder CEO sounds a lot like how Tinder has changed the game.

“The behavior Wolfe alleges in her complaint is awful: She says that Mateen, whom she dated, called her a “desperate loser” who “jumps from relationship to relationship,” a “joke,” a “gold digger,” a “disease,” a “whore,” and a “slut” who needed to be “watched” if she were to keep her job. Text messages Wolfe submitted to the court show Mateen disparaging “middle age Muslim pigs” and depicting IAC Chairman Barry Diller “as a penis.” Tinder CEO Rad, Wolfe says, dismissed her pleas for help as “dramatic” and told her that if she and Mateen couldn’t get along, she would be fired.”

Source: Bloomberg

3. “The Dave Rule”

The new rule in online dating is for men to have as many women on their team as guys named Dave, ergo, keeping a roster of misogyny. The heinous tradition of frat culture in Silicon Valley is seeping into the mainstream, thanks to this simple app.

"One, two, three, DAVE!"

“ Ever hear of the “Dave Rule”? If you work in Silicon Valley, chances are you have. Or, rather, if you work in Silicon Valley and you’re a guy, chances are you have. That is because not very many people who aren’t guys work in Silicon Valley. The Dave Rule is someone’s testosterone-infused take on gender balance in the workplace in the Valley. Reportedly, it says that you need to have at least as many women on your work team as you have guys named Dave. “

Source: ASE Online

2. The Rape Factor

Source: The New Daily

A woman in Sydney, Austrailia was gang raped on her Tinder date. This horrifying report shows just how convenient the app is for rapists to find their victims.

“After the pair moved to a bar in Martin Place, a number of the man’s friends turned up.

“Later on that night, the woman began to feel dizzy and numb, and lost her bearings,” a NSW Police spokesman said.

Police say the woman then found herself at a property where a number of the men sexually assaulted her before allowing her to leave on Sunday morning.

The victim confided in her work colleagues who then informed police, who spoke with the victim on Tuesday after she received hospital treatment.

Police have launched an instigation into the incident and issued a warning to anyone using apps like Tinder to meet people.

“The vast majority of people who use dating websites and apps do so for the right reasons, but there are a number of sexual predators out there who use modern technology to find potential victims,” Detective Inspector Michael Haddow said.”

Source: The New Daily

1. Only 1% of Tinder Users Actually Find a Match

So here it is, black and white evidence that the app doesn't even work. Why are you wasting 90 minutes a day?

“If you are among the 150,000 Tinder users in Ireland, your chances of finding a match are only one in a hundred - or about 1% - according to a new study.

Researchers for Ipsos MRBI, who surveyed people living in Ireland who say they use Tinder, discovered that dating app users’ chances for finding someone they click with are not that much greater than randomly meeting people at bars and pubs. In fact, the odds may be less favorable with apps, likely because there is the perception of browsing through a seemingly infinite number of eligible singles each time you log on to the app, making commitment seem unappealing. The more choices you have, the less willing you become to settle for just one person.”


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