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The 9 Greatest Female Comedians of Our Time

Pictured above: queen

Is it sexist that I called then, "female comedians?" Probably. But until humanity accepts girl-bands as bands and girl's basketball as basketball, we'll just have to organize ourselves accordingly for the moment and focus instead on being better.

Here's me at my first WNBA tryout.

I always hate it when people ask me who inspired me to be funny almost as much as I hate when people ask if I play basketball because I'm tall. Well, yeah, I'll dunk over your head. But back to the funnyness inspiration; It's likely the fault of the following women:

7. Tracey Ullman

For me, it all started with Tracey. She does voices, she sings, damn. If that's not #GOALS, I don't know what is.


6. Gilda Radner

Let's fast forward a few years. My theater director told me that I reminded him of a young Gilda Radner and basically forced me to learn the ways of Roseanne Rosannadanna to help me with my characters.


5. Tina Fey

But then everything I knew about women in comedy was turned upside down with the most poignant character act of all time. So now we have a woman in comedy, doing character voices, making a political statement, oh and she's a writer too and wrote Mean Girls, arguably one of the greatest movies of our time, the Clueless of my generation.


4. Sarah Silverman

When Joan Rivers passed away, Sarah Silverman was scheduled to appear on Jimmy Kimmel. This proves your greatness. Thank you for giving Joan a proper comedic sendoff.


3. Amy Schumer

Paving the way for size 8's on tv, is my dear Amy, my best friend in my head.


2. Maria Bamford

There is absolutely no woman in comedy today that can do voices like Maria. Period.


1. Joan Rivers

Above all else, is Joan. Without Joan, women wouldn't be allowed to be funny. Joan's daughter Melissa Rivers spoke out after the death of her mother and shared with the world that according to Joan's will, her definition of quality of life was not only to be on stage, but to be on stage and be funny. And Joan did just that right up until the day she died. She waited for the Emmys and the VMAs, said her piece, then that was it for her time in our world. More people called me the day Joan Rivers passed away to offer condolences than on the day my grandma died. No matter how good a female comedian is, she will never be as great as Joan Rivers. As far as I'm concerned, Joan is and will always be the queen of comedy.

If you only watch one clip on this list, make sure it's this one.


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