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4 Things We Can Learn About GMOs by Watching Jurassic Park Movies

4. They Use Frog Genes Jurassic World To keep up with the times, geneticists at Jurassic World are forced to engineer the biggest baddest dinosaur possible. But sometimes, when dino dna isn't enough, they use frog dna to connect the dots in the Jurassic Universe. GMO Frog DNA is used as an insecticide in genetically modified potatoes and oranges too allegedly.


3. GMOs Make You Eat More Jurassic World

The heavily modified Indominous Rex has an insatiable appetite for everything. She even ate her own sister and kills things for fun.

GMO The food processed by GMOs has a tendency to leave people feeling unsatiated and thus creates an unnecessary urge to eat more often.

2. It's Really Easy to Do and Really, They've Been Doing it All Along Jurassic World

Even since the early ages of Jurassic Park, DINO DNA lab experts have been splicing dinosaur dna with other species to connect the dots of missing information. As early as Jurassic Park 1 we had genenetic modification. Dinosaur dna was mixed with frogs, birds, or lizards.


GMOS Much like the Jurassic Universe franchise, GMOs have been around since 1994.

1. Life Will Find a Way Jurassic Park In the original Jurassic Park, we first learned that in terms of Dinosaur stuff life has a tendency to “find a way.” Whatever the obstacle may be, the dinosaurs are always able to evolve and change. Despite the fact that all of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were female, they were able to spontaneously switch sexes. (Thanks to their GMO mutations.) Jurassic World That whole Indominus Rex thing.

So minor spoiler alert, but, Indominous Rex finds a way, she finds a lot of ways actually. She finds a way to turn on Predator camoflage at the drop of a dime, she found a way to remove her tracking device, and found a way to outfox those pesky humans with much of her shenannigans. Because like, it is a comedy right? GMO When you change the genetic structure to repel insects, insects will eventually respond to this genetically. Life really does find a way. What happens is that the insects evolve and change out of necessity, so the outcome is a bigger, better, modified insect.

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