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Lorde is a 100 Year Old Witch and Other Celebrity Brujas

The term “celebrity” sometimes seems as if it should be synonymous with “witchcraft.” How else could you explain such unbelievable talents, overwhelming power they hold over other people, and rags to riches stories. I got to the bottom of this “coincidence,” and discovered quite a few surprising witches who are household names.

1. Glenn Hetrick from Face Off

Source: fanpop

Glenn Hetrick is a special effects makeup artist and designer most famous for appearing in the Syfy network show, Face Off. Special effects makeup may seem like magic, but his designs actually are! Hetrick is open about his occultist beliefs and penchant for male makeup.

“Hetrick also is working on creating a signature line of silicon masks and starting a line of male cosmetics. “I’ve been wearing eyeliner since I was 13,” he says. “I have to go to the ladies’ cosmetic counter at the mall to get it. It would be nice to have a line of eyeliner and nail polish for men.”

“The occult is not a passing interest for Glenn Hetrick, an award-winning special effects designer and actor whose visually arresting work can be seen in The Hunger Games franchise and who serves as a judge on Syfy’s “Face Off” reality competition, where special FX artists compete for a $100,000 prize and which will launch its sixth season in January. Hetrick’s occult-themed tattoos are his spiritual armor. They are also outward reminders of his association with and commitment to the occult. We’re not talking about the scary, Boogeyman-like occult as it’s portrayed in the mainstream media, either.”

Hetrick, who grew up in Pennsylvania but now works and resides in Los Angeles, had a predilection for the darker side of life as a kid. He was into horror films and skateboarding, and gravitated toward heavy metal, which helped feed his interest in related things. His love of Black Sabbath lead him to Alister and his fandom of Iron Maiden introduced him the literary works of author H.P. Lovecraft.

Hetrick loved the visuals that he saw on screen in horror films, and eventually learned that there were extensive teams of people who worked to create those images. He eventually became one of those people!"

Source: Rebel Ink

Hetrick’s work can be found in The Hunger Games, CSI, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Lady Gaga.

2. Carlton Gebbia: The Real Housewitch of Beverly Hills

Carlton took the world of Real Housewives by storm as she confidently introduced herself as a practicing witch. What better way to add some drama to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills than throwing a witch into the mix? Carlton shakes up the status quo and holds nothing back when it comes to her beliefs.


“I grew up in a somewhat pagan household until my mum married when I was seven. My life at points were pieces to a puzzle. My grandmother, my grandfather and my mum, and then the in-between. My ancestry is as follows; my biological father was Welsh, my mum was English/Irish, my grandfather Scottish, my grandmother was English, my great grandmother or great great was Irish and then there was a sprinkling of French! I am Celtic, obviously, and I am pagan witch. Yes witch! My grandmother practiced, and I am a solitary practitioner, have been for decades. I never belonged to a coven because we moved so much, but I think covens are essential to a community. I have taken traditions from Wicca and British Traditional Witchcraft to cultivate my own spiritual path. I celebrate the cycles of the sun, moon, and seasons.”

Source: Bravo

3. Heather Graham

Source: Librarising

On an episode of Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel, Heather Graham insinuated her personal witchery with a repeated pagan mantra, “So mote it be.” The interview danced between such topics as witch making, alchemy, and wish making.

The force must be strong with this one. Heather Graham also reportedly used her magic to get President Obama elected.

“It’s just for fun. We never jinx someone with evil spells. We meet in order to release positive energy. When one of us wishes to meet a great guy, we try to have an influence on .

“We sent Barack Obama positive energies, so that he would become the next president. I always liked magic. Now when I see Obama’s picture in the paper, I feel good.”

Source: dna

4. Christine O’Donnell “I’m not a witch; I’m you!” quickly became tea-party conservative Ms. O’Donnell’s campaign slogan during the 2010 Senate race.

During a 1990 interview, Christine should have bit her tongue, rather, she remarked,

“I dabbled into witchcraft — I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do,” she said. “

“I’m not a witch?” Sounds like something a WITCH would say!

Later in the interview, she makes additional remarks regarding an unconventional night of romance.

“One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that,” she said. “We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.”

Source: ABC

5. Sully Erna from Godsmack

Until now, you may consider giving some second thought to the name of Erna’s band.

“The most common misconceptions about witchcraft,” Erna began, “is that too many people think that it’s satanic, and there’s no demons or devils that exist in Wicca, so therefore, you can’t worship something that doesn’t exist. It’s simply about the belief of the Earth, natural herbs, and healing remedies that come from the Earth. A lot of spiritual beliefs, karma, stuff like that. So it’s pretty pure, in a religion. It’s pretty harmless.”

Source: MTV

Sully Erna speaks openly about his beliefs, and ensures us all that it’s anything but evil. Still, his band isn’t called Magicherbkarmasmack.

6. Fairuza Balk

Source: styleite

Great actress, or IRL witch?


Child of Romani Gypsy, Fairuza is a practicing wiccan. She even was once the owner of a new age shop.

“I wasn’t too familiar with Fairuza and her past history of projects, but from the minute I closed my eyes during my protection meditation, I kept getting a vision and a strong feeling of some sort of witchcraft. When I found out that Fairuza was in the movie The Craft, I wondered if there was any connection between her ghostly inhabitants and the part she played in that movie. That’s when I knew I had my work cut out for me that day."


7. Shirley Maclane Best known as fictional witch Endora on Bewitched, Maclane actually had a special connection to her character.

In an interview on “The Phil Donahue Show,” Shirley MacLaine said, “I am what you call a good witch.”

Source: Google Books

Here she describes her inspiration for her new book being channeled to her “by something she does not understand.”

In this interview, she describes a story told to her by Lucille Ball about how Ronald Regan was inspired to run for office after an encounter with UFOs, or as she refers, “star beings.”

Maclaine includes on the influence of “Star beings” on President Eisenhower and a secret American space program.

She also wrote a few books outlining her spiritual beliefs.

“So begins bestselling author and award-winning actress Shirley MacLaine, as she invites readers to join her on the most powerful, provocative journey of her life. Over the years, Shirley has firmly established herself as a fearless, iconoclastic thinker and seeker of truth. Now, as she confronts the realities and rewards of growing older, she reflects on the greater understanding of her own place in the universe that her experiences have brought to her.

Sparked by the experience of moving into a new house, she is inspired to look back across the remarkable professional and personal milestones she has experienced so far. Surrounded by books, pictures, and the artifacts of a life well lived, Shirley is able to recognize the profound power of synchronicity at work around her, discovering the invisible threads that stitch together the seemingly random events of her days, adding meaning even to the mundane.

Having grown older, she is increasingly concerned with the potential pitfalls of modern medicine. She shares personal insights into nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, and alternative medicine. Practical and bracing, here is for anyone looking to expand his or her understanding of health and well-being.”

Source: Amazon

In this interview, for her book , It’s All in the Playing, she is referred to as the “Leader as the New Age Movement.”

In this book, she casts herself in her most challenging role yet—as seeker of personal and metaphysical truth.

8. Stevie Nicks

Stevie Nicks famously debuted her white witch self in the last season of American Horror Story: Coven. Stevie appeared in her mystical swirling fringed scarves playing herself. For years, Stevie has denied all allegations of her personal witchery, yet has since become much more open after filming for AHS.

“I’ll be walking around telling everybody, ‘If you’ve seen it, don’t tell me what happens — or I’ll have to put a on you,” Nicks said.

She can deny it all she wants, but the proof is in her music.

9. Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling has been dropping many hints that witchcraft may be her new “Project.” On the night of the Supermoon, Mindy shocked her Facebook fans with the following statement:

The Supermoon is totally a big deal for witches, well, according to Mindy Kaling.

10. Kesha

Kesha, the artist formerly known as Ke$ha is known for collecting the teeth of her fans, publicly displaying pentagrams on her Facebook and otherwise, and even admits to drinking her own urine and having sex with spirits.

Now before we go on, it is important that we make the distinction that not all witches are satanists, and vice versa.

The following Youtube clip contains Kesha admitting that she is indeed a satanist.

11. Lorde

Quick quiz, how do you win “Best Rock Song” at the VMAs, when you are not a rock artist? It’s simple! Spells and witchery!

“I like simple clothes,” Lorde has said. “But sometimes I’ll go for a goth-witch vibe.”

Source: Vanity Fair

Oh, we dig your vibes, Lorde. It’s difficult to believe she’s only seventeen.

Now she’s taking the cosmetics world by storm announcing a new project with Mac Cosmetics.

"Celebrity Teen Witch Lorde to Launch MAC Makeup Line"

Source: Jezebel

Perhaps she’s actually a 100 year old witch.

12. Rihanna

The lyrics from both Rihanna’s “Umbrella,” “Dysturbia,” and “Run this Town,” suggest she may be tampering in the dark arts.

Source: SOSNation

Let’s start with “Umbrella.”

"When the sun shines, we’ll shine together Told you I’d be here forever Said I’ll always be a friend Took an oath I’ma stick it out ‘til the end Now that it’s raining more than ever Know that we’ll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella

In trying to make sense of what seems like nonsense, we can see that a storm is coming, but Rihanna can offer you protection… under her.. umbrella. When you stand under her umbrella, you are really under the protection of Rihanna the witch. It has control over you. It possesses you. When the sun shines, we’ll shine together Told you I’ll be here forever Said I’ll always be a friend Took an oath I’ma stick it out ‘til the end Now that it’s raining more than ever Know that we’ll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)"

Eh, eh, eh eh, surprised, you’re now posessed by Rihanna’s magic words.

In “Disturbia,” her magic seems a bit more erratic.

"It’s a thief in the night To come and grab you It can creep up inside you And consume you A disease of the mind It can control you It’s too close for comfort"

The music videos for “Disturbia” and “Run this Town” support any speculation that the songs are metaphors for the occult. Before discussing “Run this Town,” we must first take a look at Jay Z’s story.

13. Jay Z

Any teenager in America is quick to tell you all the fun facts and evidence that Jay Z is “illuminati.” (Cue hands making a triangle, here.) In fact, a closer examination of Jay’s explanation suggest the latter.”

“Do What Thou Wilt” is the official dictum of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and of its reformer, occultist Aleister Crowley. The O.T.O. is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry and German Illuminism and teaches its initiates the secrets of the Mysteries, gnosticism, sex magick, Kaballah and other occult sciences.”

“In an interview with Guy Raz, Horowitz pointed to Jay-Z’s use of the phrase “Peace God” as an allusion to the Five Percenters. Also known as the Nation of Gods and Earths, they teach that the original black man is God — and that all men are potentially God. “Peace God” is a typical Five Percenter greeting.

“A phrase like ‘Peace God’ does not find its way into someone’s vernacular by accident,” Horowitz says. “He’s making a very definite statement.”

Now it’s seeming like less and less of a coincidence that he and Rihanna collaborated on the bewitching hit, “Run this Town.”

But Jay-Z’s connection to the occult may extend a bit further. In the he’s pictured wearing a sweatshirt with the phrase “do what thou wilt” printed across the chest. “Yes, that has very deep roots in modern occult culture,” Horowitz says. “The full expression is ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’ That was one of the key maxims of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. So when Jay-Z appears in a hoodie with that phrase on it in public, that’s exactly what he’s referencing.”

In the video, Jay Z hands Rihanna a lit torch, a common philosophical metaphor. He has taught her of his magic, and thus, passing it on. It is also a symbol of paganism alluding to the lit torch held high by the “Light bearer,” Lucifer.

Jay-Z’s Rocawear clothing line also often draws upon Masonic symbols: pentagrams, obelisks, pyramids, the all-seeing eye.

Source: NPR

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