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The 11 Weirdest Things You Can Buy Online

1. Decapitated Mouse Heads Dressed in Burlesque Attire


On Etsy, of all places, you can find a variety of fancy miniature taxidermy.

This one is actually a hair accessory.

Be the belle of your ball with a one of a kind.... taxidermy mouse had.

2. Internships

The job market has gotten so competitive, you can now participate in an online auction to buy your internship.


"Some are paying for-profit companies to place their college students in internships that are mostly unpaid. Others are hiring marketing consultants to create direct-mail campaigns promoting their children's workplace potential. Still other parents are buying internships outright in online charity auctions."

3. You Can Buy Uranium on Amazon



4. Pets

Sometimes when you shop online, you'll order something that doesn't fit. It can be a little more problematic when it's a living creature who may not “fit” your lifestyle.

You will be scammed in a number of different ways.

1. The puppy is not ACTUALLY a “champion.” 2. He's from a puppy mill 3. There is no puppy, you're just being scammed


"If you buy a puppy over the Internet, not only are you risking supporting puppy mill cruelty, you're also risking being scammed out of your money. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, hundreds of complaints are filed every year from victims who were scammed when buying a dog online. The puppy you receive may not be the puppy you agreed to buy, and you may not even receive a puppy at all! Internet scams abound, including everything from fake "free to good home ads" where the buyer is asked to pay for shipping, only to never see that puppy they tried to help, to breeders posing as sanctuaries or rescues, but charging upwards of $1,000 in "adoption" fees."

Source: ASPCA

5. Human Body Parts

Thanks to a new preservation process, you can now purchase human body parts online.


"Gunther von Hagens, the anatomist who invented a new way of preserving anatomical specimens with the use of reactive polymers (a process called plastination, which replaces water and fat with plastic), has one for you. Von Hagens is the man behind the controversial Body Worlds exhibit and its display of posed, dissected corpses.

According to a Reuters report, “A whole body from costs about 70,000 euros ($97,400), torsos start at 55,644 euros and heads come in at around 22,000 euros each — excluding postage and packaging. For those on a tighter budget, transparent body slices are available from 115 euros ($160) each.”

6. Tanks

Tanks a lot, internet. Now anyone can buy a tank?


7. Baby Naming Rights

Perseus Miley Cyrus, that's an interesting name. How did you get it? "Oh, mom sold my naming rights to some trolls for $5,000.


"A 26-year-old mother-to-be has sold the naming rights to her future son or daughter for $5,000. KTLA reports that Natasha Hill won a contest through Belly Ballot, which is an actual website that exists in real life. Typically, the site allows expectant mothers to create polls so that their friends and family can vote on the baby names."


8. You Can Buy A Mass Murderer's T1A3 Graphing Calculator

Calculate Savings

"According to the seller, the item is a Texas Instruments Ti-83 Plus calculator, similar to thousands of others used in college-level math classes. It usually retails for about $99. This one is listed at $3,700.

What makes it worth so much? It once belonged to the man who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007."

Source: Seattle Times

"Murderbelia." Yeah, that's a thing.

9. Celebrities


Everyone has a price. Did you know that you can actually rent a celebrity? You can rent Cher, Miley, Leo Dicaprio, and many more!

"The list of stars that are available for hire is way too long to mention, but to entice you, here are some examples of celebrities and musical acts:

Beach Boys Blink 182 Jethro Tull Julio Iglesias Leonardo DiCaprio Sharon Stone Jim Carrey Sylvester Stalone Oscar De La Hoya Jenny McCarthy Donald Trump Patrick Stewart and many many more!"

10. Urine Powered Batteries


Go green with urine powered batteries.

"To make the battery, Lee and his colleagues soaked a piece of paper in a solution of copper chloride and sandwiched it between strips of magnesium and copper. This sandwich was then laminated between two sheets of transparent plastic.

When a drop of urine is added to the paper through a slit in the plastic, a chemical reaction takes place that produces electricity, Lee said.

The prototype battery produced about 1.5 volts, the same as a standard AA battery, and runs for about 90 minutes. Researchers said the power, voltage, and lifetime of the battery can be improved by adjusting the geometry and materials used."

Source: DudeIWantThat

11. Mech Warriors


Not exactly sure what that one is. But it looks pretty terrifying.


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